I'm back again this week with a link up post to the #Tuesday10 link up party. This weeks blog topic is "things I hope will change (or not) in the next 10 years", I slightly adjusted this to things I hope for in my future.
Here it is...
1. I hope that Ella will continue to grow, learn and develop into a smart, respectful, beautiful little person. 10 years from now Ella will be almost 11 years old - which means I will be almost 36 *gasp*. It's crazy to think about the future 10 years down the track and wonder what life will be like. All I can hope is that we can continue to parent her in a way which helps her to become the best possible human she can be and one that has respect for herself and the people around her.
2. That we will be blessed enough to provide Ella with another sibling (or maybe two). We are so lucky to be parents to a beautiful little girl and I would like nothing more then to add to our family in the near future.
3. That we will be fortunate enough to own our own home in a beautiful part of New Zealand.
4. That I can establish myself as someone not only as Mummy but as a person with my own ambitions and dreams. To find my feet and grow my business, whether that be the Kiwi Mumma blog or my make-up business - or both, who knows!
5. I hope for my husband to have a long, successful and fulfilling career.
6. I hope the world that Ella grows up in will learn to not be so obsessed with things that aren't so important - looks, wealth and social standing etc - but learn to cherish the things that are. This is not going to happen in the next ten years but I hope she, herself, will understand the important things in life.
7. I wish all of my family to live long, healthy and happy lives.
8. I hope to be surrounded by all the people that care about me and to meet new people who will become a part of our lives - wherever we may end up!
A bit corny but I've been thinking a lot recently about what the future will bring us - with the news of us relocating.
If these are the only things that happen to us over the next 10 years, then I can feel very blessed.
What is the ONE thing you hope for in your future?

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