I asked you all yesterday on Facebook to ask me a few questions - about anything - personal, blog related or other. I may even make this a regular thing if it gains much interest.
I've decided to start a few regular features on the blog, with the aim in having a bit more structure in my blogging and hopefully it might help me through the current struggle of coming up with good, regular content. Stay tuned. I've got a few ideas about regular features thanks to my fellow kiwi Mummy bloggers who've have given some good advice.
Anyway, I've got a few questions to answer - so here goes nothing.
1. What are some of the things you said you wouldn't do and are now doing?
Oh dear, practically everything I said I wouldn't do before having a baby - whilst in my naive little bubble - I have done or I am doing now. Ideal: I said I would breastfeed for at least the first year of my baby's life. Reality: I stopped breastfeeding after four months and put her on formula, not to be helped unfortunately as I didn't have enough milk to keep her going. Ideal: "I hate dummies, I will never use a dummy" Reality: I still hate dummies but a dummy has turned out to be a saviour for my sanity and for my hair, I'd have ripped it all out by now if it wasn't for the beloved dummy. Ideal: I would NEVER rock my baby to sleep or let it sleep on me! Reality: Hah! For the first 3 months, at least, that's the only place she slept and that's the only way I could get her to sleep. Either that or I'd feed her to sleep. I spent many hour stuck on the couch with a sleeping baby on me, petrified of moving incase it woke. Oh sweet naivety!
2. If you were able to parent anywhere in the world where would you choose to do it (money and citizenship no object) and why.
Probably, the UK without a doubt. I love England, especially London and if for some reason we decided to live outside of New Zealand it would be there. My Hubby is originally from the UK and most of his family are still living there so it would be nice for Ella to see her other family on a regular basis including her great-grandparents. As an added bonus the shopping is amazing, the countryside is beautiful and there are some great job opportunities over there and not to mention that its such easy access to the rest of Europe as well.
3.What are your biggest hopes and dreams for Ella, and the biggest lessons you want to teach her?
I would tell her to... live life to the fullest. If you want to do something then do it, don't hesitate and don't regret anything in life.
I would love her to go to University or better still do something she loves. I'd make she she travelled the world and experienced new places and cultures.
I'd want her to never settle for second best, she is so important and worth so much and not to listen to anyone who tells you otherwise and doesn't treat her the way she should be treated.
I would love her to go to University or better still do something she loves. I'd make she she travelled the world and experienced new places and cultures.
I'd want her to never settle for second best, she is so important and worth so much and not to listen to anyone who tells you otherwise and doesn't treat her the way she should be treated.
4. What are the best thing(s) you have bought for Ella so far? What did you buy when you where pregnant thinking this is great and have never used?
The saviour for me, when she was newborn, was the ability to attach her capsule straight to the stroller - it was awesome to not have to wake her up when we needed to go somewhere. Also, having a base for the capsule that stayed in the car and you just clipped the capsule in and you were good to go.
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Silver Cross Surf Buggy with Maxi-cosi adapter clips |
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Maxi-Cosi Mico AP Capsule and Base |
The only things that I regret buying are too many clothes. I was very overexcited, as you may know, with buying clothes and I bought way to many newborn clothes and clothes that were cute rather than practical such as two pieced outfits when in reality she lived in footed onesies or all in ones! I should have bought more 0-3 months clothing than Newborn as she grew out of it so quickly, some of it was only worn a handful of times!
I also had a stretchy Moby wrap that I didn't end up using that much - which I thought would be great - I found it really difficult trying to wrap her. I have an Ergo now which I love, so next time I will probably just get an infant insert so the next baby can wear it from birth - it is so much comfier and easier to use!
Well, there you have it! Your questions answered!
I hope it was interesting or useful and if you thought it was worth reading and I should do another one then let me know in the comments below .
I hope it was interesting or useful and if you thought it was worth reading and I should do another one then let me know in the comments below .
Thanks for asking me your questions! xxx
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